Lucky Charm Create

Create a new Lucky charm from a template.


create [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [target_dir]


ArgEnvironment VariableDescription
-D, --use-defaultsDo not prompt and use default values for unprovided fields


ArgEnvironment VariableDescription
-n, --name<charm_name>The name of the charm. Defaults to the target_dir
-d, --display-name<display_name>The display name of the charm ( may contain spaces )
-s, --summary<charm_summary>Short description of the charm
-m, --maintainer<charm_maintainer>The charm maintainer


ArgEnvironment VariableDescription
<target_dir>The directory to create the charm in

Getting Started

Running lucky charm create is the first step to getting started writing a Lucky charm. The command will prompt you for some basic information about your new charm and will then create all of the files necessary to get started.


Here are the files you will need to modify to get started on your charm.


The metadata.yaml file has information about the charm such as name, description, and the kind of relations it supports. The Juju Documentation has more information on what can go in the metadata.yaml.


The config.yaml file outlines the different configuration options that users can provide to the charm. This might be used for things like admin passwords, web server ports, or other similar options. More information on charm config can be found in the Juju Config.


The lucky.yaml file is your "control panel" so to speak for what charm code gets executed when, in response to things like Juju hooks or cron jobs. Without telling Lucky to execute your charm scripts by adding entries to the lucky.yaml, your charm will not do anything.

The example lucky.yaml file that comes with the charm template has commented sections indicating all of the different kinds of entries you can add to the lucky.yaml.

host_scripts/ and container_scripts/

These directories contiain your charm scripts which represent the charm's logic. Each of the files in these dirs should be executable and are usually shell scripts starting with a proper "shabang": #!/bin/bash. The host_scripts dir contains scripts that are to be executed on the host system while container_scripts contains scripts that will be mounted into any containers that the charm runs.

These scripts will use the lucky client commands to interact with Juju, Lucky, and Docker. Se the lucky client doc page for more information.