Lucky Charm Build

Build a charm and make it ready for deployment.


build [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [charm_dir]


ArgEnvironment VariableDescription
-l, --use-local-luckyBuild the charm bundled with the current version of Lucky. This is mostly useful during development. See "Building With Local Lucky" in the doc page.


ArgEnvironment VariableDescription
-L, --log-level<log_level>The log level to build the charm with. Build with the log level set to "trace" to get more verbose logging from Lucky while the charm is running
default: debug
possible values: trace, debug, info, warn, error
-b, --build-dir<build_dir>The directory to put the built charm in. Defaults to the "build" directory in the charm dir. The built charm will be in "build_dir/charm_name".


ArgEnvironment VariableDescription
<charm_dir>The path to the charm you want to build
default: .

Getting Started

The lucky charm build command will take a Lucky charm and package it so that it can be deployed to a Juju server or the charm store. By default, the charm will be built to the build/my-charm directory and can be deployed like so:

$ lucky charm build
$ juju deploy ./build/my-charm

Building With Local Lucky

When building with the --use-local-lucky or -l argument, Lucky will bundle the local version of Lucky that was used to build the charm into the built charm. This means that the charm will not attempt to download Lucky when it starts up and that the charm will only run on the same CPU architecture. This is mostly useful during development and only works on Linux builds made with the "daemon" feature.

If this is not specified, an automated build of Lucky for the architecture that the charm is deployed to will be automatically downloaded when the charm is installed.